TMP 80

LPWAN miniUNI PT100 device has been designed for very low temperaturemeasurement in pharmaceutic industry where keeping cures and vaccinas in deep freeze is high-demanding....

Code: NB-MU-PT100-IP65
Lpwan ModBus 1
New Tip

The LPWAN SDI-12/ModBus Cloud Logger has been designed as multipurpose device for projects covering area of smart agriculture.DOWNLOAD DATASHEET

Code: 588/NB-
New Tip

LPWAN DIN ModBus/RS485 device has been designed for interconnection with different ModBus/RS485 devices such as electric meters, industry water meters or calory meters....

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New Tip

LPWAN KAMSTRUP Calorimeter board has been designed as add on board for KAMSTRUP MULTICAL device and it’s capable to interoperate with MULTICAL electronic to get all available...

Code: 492/NB

e-shop SolidusTech


Soil moisture, wind direction and strength, soil salinity, temperature, humidity and pressure, precipitation



Metering of water, electricity and gas consumption


Environmental measurement

Measurement of CO2, temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and strength, pressure


Protection of safety

RFID readers, Legionella detection, quality monitoring of food, drugs and biological samples






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